5 Ways To Make Your Ecommerce Site Stand Out

During the early days of the internet, it really felt like every business had its own unique website. Everywhere you went – even if it was to different competitors offering the same basic service – there was a strong sense of identity there, and a sense of who you were dealing with as both an individual and an entity.

May 18, 2020 The only way you can cut through this clutter and make your presence known is by making sure your store stands out from the competition. Establish Social Media Presence and Create Social Proof One way of maximizing the impact of your eCommerce store is by establishing a strong social media presence and creating adequate social proof.

Jul 15, 2019 Make Your Ecommerce Startup Stands Out From The Crowd Operating an eCommerce store can be smooth sailing as long as your company is willing to incorporate certain tactics and strategies. Here are seven of those tactics you can use to boost your eCommerce presence and sail toward ongoing profits. There are lots of Ways to make eCommerce Startup stand out! The only need of time is to remain firm footed and have a solid insight towards your eCommerce Startup and work towards making it a brand r ath er than just selling products! Having a beautifully designed website and logo can make your shop stand out from others which use pre-made layouts or logos. Although it can be expensive to hire a logo designer, programs like b12, 99Designs and Looka can help you create custom designs for less. Make Your Ecommerce Startup Stands Out From The Crowd Operating an eCommerce store can be smooth sailing as long as your company is willing to incorporate certain tactics and strategies. Here are seven of those tactics you can use to boost your eCommerce presence and sail toward ongoing profits.

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These days, much of that uniqueness is gone. The success of services like WordPress has left a number of sites looking almost identical in everything apart from logos. Many tell their readers to use WordPress for small business to get ahead! The focus on SEO rankings over actual content means even the written aspects of sites are in danger of becoming homogenized. So in a world where everyone has a website, everyone spends money on search engine rankings, and nobody seems to be able to shout louder than anyone else, we have one question. How are you supposed to stand out?

We’ve done the research and the reading, and we’ve compiled some tips that could help you create an online brand that stands above the sea of beige. We’re not trying to reinvent the wheel here – just encouraging you to consider some of the things that appear to have been forgotten as time’s gone by.

Clarity Of Purpose

This should be obvious, but judging by the look and feel of many a market leading website, it really isn’t. Anybody who logs on to your website for the very first time should immediately understand exactly what service you offer. Sometimes, it feels like in the desire to have an attractive image in the header, along with warm, SEO friendly opening text full of big ideas and slogans, people forget to tell their audience why they’re there in the first place. Every image visible on the home page should make it explicitly clear what you do. The purpose of your business should be stated plainly in the first paragraph of text.

If you log on to a UK slots site, it’s immediately obvious you’re looking at an online casino. There’s no attempt to hide it, and there’s no confusing it for anything else. That’s the strength of impression you’re looking for. If you sell telephones, people should see a picture of a telephone. If you sell insurance, there should be the logos of prominent insurers there. If you sell mortgages, show the world a picture of a house that’s just been sold. Help your audience. Make the message clear.

Demonstrate The Personal Touch

It’s increasingly common for businesses to feature mini profiles of their senior staff on their websites. That’s a positive thing. Research strongly indicates that people like to know who they’re dealing with, and it’s important to have an “About Us” page that ticks all the right boxes. That might mean changing your understanding of what that page is really for.

Just listing your qualifications and industry experience doesn’t meet the mark anymore. That tells people what you’ve done, not who you are. Share a little information about who you are as a person. What kind of music do you like? Which sports teams do you follow? What do you do with your spare time? Also, the world has seen enough headshots of people in business professional dress suits. Everybody does that, which is a great reason for you to break the trend. Share something relaxes, personal, and fun. When it comes down to it, people don’t buy from firms, they buy from other people. Boost your chances of making a personal connection by helping potential customers get to know you.

Ecommerce5 Ways To Make Your Ecommerce Site Stand Out

Make Use Of Video Content – And Appear In It

Have you noticed how many YouTube stars have crossed over into the mainstream recently? That’s because video is a great way of helping people to feel comfortable with you. They can see you, and hear you, and pick up on aspects of your personality. Like having a strong bio, this is a crucial element in changing the perception of your business as just another faceless entity in a sea of thousands. You are what makes your company unique. Sell yourself.

In addition, nobody likes to sit and read enormous blocks of text. People likely came to your site looking for something specific, and if they can’t find it in the first few moments, they’ll click away and land on one of your competitors instead. A one minute video explaining who you are, what you do, and why you’re great is much more valuable to you than two thousand words of text.

Don’t Let It Go Stale

5 Ways To Make Your Ecommerce Site Stand Out For A

We don’t have a precise figure for the number of business who pay big money to get a brand new website set up, and then leave it exactly as it is for the next several years, but it’s a lot. Nothing suggests that a business is stagnant like having a website that’s looked the same since the day it went online. Fresh, new content will engage readers keep people coming back to your site. More than that, it tells them you’re still there.

There are thousands of websites out there, still online, belonging to companies who have long since died. A customer landing on your website will want to see evidence that you’re still trading here and now. So have fresh, weekly blog content on topics relevant to your industry. Include a live Twitter feed. If appropriate, have a portfolio online showcasing your latest work and achievements. Post news from within your industry – and why not give your opinion on it, too? Your website should scream “We’re here, we’re fresh, and we’re relevant”.

Never, Ever Use Stock Images

We really can’t stress this enough. Nothing ruins a great first impression on a website like clicking through a few pages and finding wall-to-wall stock photos. In the modern world, everybody knows a stock photo when they see one, and it’s a massive turn off for customers. They just look so phony and staged, and they’re so obviously not representative of your staff, your office or your customers. But do you know what does? Your real staff, your real office, and your real customers!

If you have a happy customer, ask them if they’d mind sending in a picture and a testimonial. It will come across much better than a cliched, staged photo of a couple holding hands in the sunset or walking across a field. Your real life office might not look as sophisticated as a stock photo image of a beautiful, spacious New York office block, but guess what? Nobody’s does! Take pictures of your own office, with your own staff hard at work, and people will buy it as authentic.

If you take one clear message away from reading this piece – it’s this. Be you. Don’t be a cliched profile. Don’t be a stock photo. Don’t hide being walls of text or synthetic marketing. Be yourself and sell yourself. You are the one thing that your competitors aren’t, and can never be. If your website is plain, old, and full of text and stock photos, it’s time to make a change.


The Era has begun! The Era for the eCommerce Startups has already started, and this is the time when we are witnessing lots of startups every day! While, some eCommerce Startups tend to get a hold of their feet in this competitive market, there are many startups which are a failure. The era of eCommerce is in fact, pushing more and more players in the eCommerce and this is what making the whole market very competitive.

Thus, in this raining time of eCommerce Startups, if you are thinking to get yourself an eCommerce Startup, you keep lots of things in mind, to make your eCommerce Startup a real success.

But what are those eCommerce Startup strategies, which can really turn an eCommerce Startup in to the successful venture. Let’s find out here on Ways to make eCommerce Startup stand out:


It’s not all about the products and services, when it comes to the eCommerce. Even, if you are thinking that you are coming up with the really innovative products and services, those products and services will be exposed to the market, as soon as it comes in the open market. Thus, eCommerce is not all about products and services.

It’s about creating the first impression! That solid and memorable impression! Always try to make the first impression, the last impression, the memorable impression!

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”#CE1F11″ class=”” size=””]Create the logo, which will be long remembered, create taglines, which can be easily recalled, create your eCommerce startup’s mission and vision; tell the story behind the eCommerce startup.[/perfectpullquote]

Gone are the days for the mobile friendliness! It’s now the age for the mobile first indexing, and the mobile responsiveness. Make your website, the mobile first preferred version. Ensure that the customers get the best experience of your eCommerce startup store at their Smartphones. If you aren’t ware, we would like to inform you that, it’s the time when most traffic comes from the mobile as compared to desktops.

Nearly 60% of traffic comes from mobile, and when it comes to eCommerce, you can expect more!

Is it really worthy to populate your eCommerce startup store with the products, which aren’t worthy at all! Just populating products and consuming the time of customer, isn’t a good idea. Instead, what you can do is to slowly remove the items, which aren’t hotcakes, and which are showing no response at all.

The less, the demanding they are, the far more better it is! Just keep the products, which are best anddon’t create unnecessary competition for the best products at your store. Also, by doing this, you will not confuse the customers!

Try to reach out to all places, where your customers can be! Be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest and anywhere else, you should be visible to your customers! Who knows which platform can five you the best sales for your products!

Even, a single customer can be worthy to generate more sales in the near future! Thus, be everywhere you can be atSocial Media. Also, be an active participant there and remain on toe to respond to your prospects and your existing customers!

Will anyone take risk of any website, which doesn’t offer them a sense of ultimate security while making payment. Since, yours is an eCommerce startup store and your services and products are ought to be sold online, you need to get installed the best security features at your website to ensure your customers that they are completely safe while making any payment for the purchase!

If you are searching for the Ways to make eCommerce Startup stand out and really thinking to make your ECommerce Startup stand out, try to make sure that you work on the Shipping policies, rates and also work out the return policy thoroughly.

5 Ways To Make Your Ecommerce Site Stand Out Without

The Shipping Policies and Return Policies are the most important aspects, which play a pivotal role in the eCommerce industry and can be counted as amongst the most important just after the products availability, website appearance and security!

Creating the content strategy before you are visible online is a good step to dominate the search engine. The more stable and solid you are on the search engine, the more will be the traffic and better will be the sales. Ensure that the content is compelling enough to bring traffic to your eCommerce startup. Make your PR strong and work on strengthening your PR online to get high exposure in front of customers.

Ensure that the payment method is kept simple, and safe! The easier is the payment method, the better it is for the customers. Also, ensure that you are using the advanced features at your eCommerce Startup in order to make sure that your customers are getting something different through your eCommerce Startup, which aren’t available at competitor’s startups.

There are lots of Ways to make eCommerce Startup stand out! The only need of time is to remain firm footed and have a solid insight towards your eCommerce Startup and work towards making it a brand rather than just selling products!

Remain in touch with your customers, with the follow up and ratings and even try to have a conversion if the experience of theirs isn’t good and complement them with discounts and coupons!

5 Ways To Make Your Ecommerce Site Stand Out As A

Ensure that you are different from your competitors and helpful to your customers, even if takes covering an extra mile, barefooted!

5 Ways To Make Your Ecommerce Site Stand Out Without

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