Action Adventure Gamesget Big Games

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We collected 783 of the best free online adventure games. These games include browser games for both your computer and mobile devices, as well as apps for your Android and iOS phones and tablets. They include new adventure games such as Swordcraft Saga! And top adventure games such as Paper Minecraft, Minecraft Classic, and Fleeing the Complex. The Action-Adventure genre is consistently full of some of the best games every year, and 2020 is no exception. The nominations in this category are among some of 2020's absolute best, though only. Less a specific genre than a broad category, action-adventure is a bit of a catch-all, but it definitely doesn't include games focused on puzzles, sports, or narrative alone.

  • Action adventure (236)
  • Adventure (1328)
  • Amiga (1095)
  • Arcade action (3226)
  • Board (184)
  • Educational (649)
  • Non-English (97)
  • Puzzle (687)
  • Role playing (627)
  • Simulation (1039)
  • Sports (1004)
  • Strategy (1534)
  • Utility (41)
Action adventure Games:

Time Commando1996
The Historical Center's supercomputer has been infected by the worst virus of all time! And, in fact, time is the target of this devastating invader. It must be tracked down or the tenets of mankind will collapse in a world-ending, cataclysmic whimper. The world as we know it will be...

Time Gate: Knight's Chase1995
Imagine, if you will, a bygone era when Infogrames' Alone in the Dark was one of the most groundbreaking games around. At the time, its shortcomings were easily overlooked because of its ingenuity. The game did have numerous shortcomings, however - many of which were linked directly to the features...

Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers2012

Titanic: A Mysterious Undersea Adventure1998
Titanic: Dare to Discover delivers a speculative account of what may have happened to the most famous ship in history. Myst-like screen-to-screen movement takes you deep into the bowels of an underwater ancient city as you explore mystical environments filled with passageways, puzzles, and secret doorways. Discover artifacts and decipher...

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell2002
Combining the stealth, tactics, and action popularized in both the Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon franchises, Splinter Cell represents a new Tom Clancy series featuring a single character instead of the team-oriented play found in Red Storm's successful squad-based shooter games. The title alludes to the secret organization players are...

Tomb Raider1996
Lara Croft, the daughter of British Lord Henshingly Croft, was born and raised into a world of opulence and privilege. It seemed assured that at the age of 21, after completing finishing school in Switzerland, she would be married off to the Earl of Farrington, a wealthy aristocrat. This did...

Tomb Raider 21997
Tomb Raider shocked the gaming world with its wildly different 3D third-person adventure-platforming action. Developed by Core Design Ltd. and published by Eidos Interactive, the Tomb Raider series has continued on utilizing the same elements that made the first game so successful. Tomb Raider II's storyline once again follows the adventuring...

Tomb Raider 31998
Lara Croft returns in Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft, an adventure game featuring 19 levels set throughout India, London, Nevada, the South Pacific, and Antarctica. In her travels, Lara Croft will come across and battle hordes of enemies including monkeys, snakes, and even dinosaurs. Lara can deal with...

Tomb Raider 3: The Lost Artifact2000
Tomb Raider: The Lost Artifact is the re-worked version of Tomb Raider III: The Adventures of Lara Croft and includes enhancements to the original game as well as the addition of five new levels. Lara Croft still stars in the title role, of course, and her actions as she jumps,...

Tomb Raider 4: The Last Revelation1999
With all the fame and fortune in the world bestowed upon Lara Croft, things could only get better when she takes on mummies, Egyptian dogs and scorpions in Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation for the PC. She seems to be getting younger every sequel as you start this game as...


Tomb Raider Chronicles2000
Tomb Raider: Chronicles is the fifth installment in the hugely popular series. The story begins with the strange disappearance of heroine Lara Croft. Fearing the worst, her close friends gather at the mansion to remember her and pay tribute to her extraordinary life. As Lara's friends begin to share stories...

Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness2003
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness has been billed as the first true renovation of the best-selling series since the ground-breaking 1996 original. This edition is built on a completely new engine, which pumps out 'next-generation' graphics and allows many new animations and interactions. Lara herself enjoys the engine upgrade...

Tomb Raider: Underworld2008
Following the franchise's legendary return to success under the direction of Crystal Dynamics, Underworld, the studio's sophomore production with Lara Croft, aims to maintain the high level of solid, free-flowing action that reinvigorated the series, while bringing back more of the spooky exploration and challenging jumping puzzles that helped define...

Town With No Name1993
This is an interactive cartoon arcade/adventure game, using a 3D modelling technique (original for the time). A western adventure where guns make the law. You must be ready to enter perilous places and confront dangerous people. You will need then, also, a strong stomach, of course.... Your path will take you...

Trine is a puzzle-heavy platformer with a mild fantasy storyline that finds gamers frequently switching between three characters in order to traverse its side-scrolling levels. The game's puzzles are physics based, and each of the characters offers a specific skillset to help overcome obstacles and defeat enemies. Pontius is a...

Trine 22011

Turtix: Rescue Adventure2008

Unshadowed is a fun action adventure from amateur developer P. J. Richmond. The game makes up for its amateurish (and probably too cartoonish, given the subject matter) graphics with excellent puzzles that adventure fans will enjoy. The action is also not too frustratingly difficult, although you do have to be...

Action Adventure Games Get Big Games To Play

Urban Chaos1999
What should be a time of wonderful change and justified excitement brings a new reign of terror and bloodshed. Rather than celebrating the dawn of a new millennium, the Union City residents are suffering from malicious gang wars, terrorists and widespread famine. The once friendly streets are an open battleground...

Mixing elements of classic adventure puzzle titles like Lemmings with the water-cannon mechanics of Super Mario Sunshine, Vessel puts gamers in the shoes of the inventor Arkwright, whose liquid automaton workers have run amok around the globe. The 'Fluros' are turning on their users and disrupting machinery, so players must...

WALL-E follows the story of a small, sentient robot whose sole purpose is to clean up Earth's voluminous garbage. In the year 2700, mankind has left behind millions of tiny trash collectors to make the planet habitable again. Yet only WALL-E remains functional, dutifully performing his task while collecting an...

Wanted: Monty Mole2005
Wanted: Monty Mole is a great freeware remake of a classic Spectrum ZX/Commodore 64 game of the same name starring Monty, a brave miner mole who is determined to raid his South Yorkshire pit to snatch goal from Arthur, the 'big foozle' who lives in a vast underground castle. Similar...


Wild Wild West: The Steel Assassin1999
Wild Wild West: The Steel Assassin is boring. The game tries to do too much and fails at nearly everything. Oddly enough, the opening scene that offers you the option of blasting targets and chickens with a nice variety of weapons promises good things to come but the enjoyment drops...

Winx Club2006
Inspired by the television show of the same name, Winx Club follows the exploits of a group of supernaturally gifted young women. The game's storyline is based on the first season of the animated series. Players take the role of Bloom, a teenage Earth girl who discovers she has magical...

A town with a terrible past, a military base used for developing experimental weapons, and zombies!.. Zombieville is a graphic action-adventure telling the story of a journalist getting into trouble, when he travels to the town of Downforth to find an interesting story to write about. His car is taken under...

Action adventure Games:

Action Adventure Games Get Big Games

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GamesgetDownload 11747 Games:
  • Action adventure (236)
  • Adventure (1328)
  • Amiga (1095)
  • Arcade action (3226)
  • Board (184)
  • Educational (649)
  • Non-English (97)
  • Puzzle (687)
  • Role playing (627)
  • Simulation (1039)
  • Sports (1004)
  • Strategy (1534)
  • Utility (41)
Action adventure Games:

Resident Evil 42007
The first game in Capcom's blockbuster survival-horror series designed with a real-time 3D polygonal engine, Resident Evil 4 is freed from the camera limitations and static backgrounds of past titles. Players guide Leon S. Kennedy, the lead protagonist in Resident Evil 2, in an adventure taking them deep within the...

Ripley's Believe It or Not!: The Riddle of Master Lu1995
The Riddle of Master Lu is a pretty interesting graphic adventure game. In it, you assume the role of Robert Ripley, who was known for his Believe it or Not museums filled with oddities and rare, and wacky artifacts. You'll be doing what he devoted his life to -- traveling...

Robert D. Anderson & the Legacy of Cthulhu2007

Underachieving astro-miner John Rochard unwittingly sets off an arms race when he and his team discover an ancient alien structure hidden within an asteroid in Rochard. When his crew suddenly disappears, and with space bandits closing in around him, Rochard must use his mining tools, particularly his G-Lifter gravity gun,...

Grown-up gamers solve life-and-death puzzles as time runs out in Saw, a brutally graphic horror adventure based on the Lionsgate film series. In the role of a detective on the trail of the twisted serial killer known as Jigsaw, players find themselves trapped in the sadistic game master's lair --...

Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed2004
Based directly on Scooby Doo 2, Warner Bros.' second live-action feature film inspired by the enduringly popular Hanna-Barbera cartoon, this sequel to THQ's Scooby Doo invites PC players to reprise the roles of Scooby, Shaggy, Fred, Velma, and Daphne in a new adventure. The gang's reputation as mystery-solvers is at...

Shrek Forever After: The Final Chapter2010

Silent Hill 32003
The classic Silent Hill horror series continues with Silent Hill 3. As a teenybopper named Heather, players must explore an accursed town and Heather's strange inexplicable fears. Nightmares and reality combine for a potent mixture of uncertainty with every development in the story. New grotesque monsters, psychologically horrifying scenes, and...

Silent Hill: Homecoming2008
Konami's celebrated survival horror series known for its surreal atmosphere and supernatural enemies returns to PCs in Silent Hill: Homecoming. Players assume the role of Alex Shepherd, a soldier recently discharged from a military hospital who returns to his home town only to find his brother and father missing, and...

Simpsons, The: Hit & Run2003
The Simpsons: Hit & Run takes players on a trip through the colorful streets of Springfield in a mission-based racing game with the ability to continue objectives on foot. Something is amiss in Springfield, as strange crop circles have been reported and people are suddenly disappearing. After Homer notices a...

Sims, The: Carnival - Bumper Blast2008
This casual shooter that shares a tenuous bond with the Sims franchise lets gamers blast away at sliding bumpers through more than 140 levels. Players must use a certain allotment of shots to clear out all the Sims bumpers, taking care to avoid traps like black holes and mastering skill...

Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas2003
Based on the 2003 animated film starring the voices of Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer, Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas for PC follows the adventures of Sinbad as he charts a course to find the legendary Book of Peace as well as his best friend Proteus. Standing in his...

Action Adventure Games Get Big Games Free

SkyBorg: Into the Vortex1995
This graphics adventure game from Skybox (the well-known trading card company), came with three packs (18 cards total) of Skyborg trading cards. In the game, you are the Skyborg. The objective is to find and rescue Dr. Barton from his kidnapper(s) and escape. Along the way you will visit nine...


One of the best and most engaging point-and-click adventures ever released for any system, Snatcher puts players in the role of former Special Forces agent Gillian Seed, who must seek out and destroy cyborg killers. There are some shooting scenes, which involve using the control pad (or the Justifier light...

Space Ace1989
All of humanity is once again at stake in Space Ace. The evil commander Borf has developed an 'Infanto Ray' which can change anyone it hits into a baby. Not only does our hero Ace have to defend Earth against this, but Borf has increased the stakes by kidnapping Ace's...

Space Bunnies Must Die!1998
Imagine you are a waitress at a remote New Mexico diner and all of a sudden alien space bunnies crash nearby and kidnap your sister. Not too hard to believe is it? I know its happened to me at least once or twice. I just never cared as much as...

Spider-Man 32007
Multiple storylines and adventures pulled both from the 2007 movie and original content offer Spider-Man 3 gamers several alternative journeys. Featuring ten plot threads, players may follow the quest provided from the film or create their own super hero story. Completing all paths unlocks content as part of the 100...

Spiderwick Chronicles, The2008
A hidden world of 'fantastical creatures' is revealed in this adaptation of the best-selling book series and 2008 movie from Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Films. After opening a dusty tome written by his great, great uncle, young Jared Grace suddenly becomes privy to a world filled with goblins, sprites, 'brownies,'...

Spore is the hitherto unimagined mash-up of two seemingly irreconcilable and disparate video game genres: the text adventure game and the paddle-and-ball game. The player controls a space ranger of sorts who's been sent to Earth's colony planet, Spore, to investigate a distress signal sent from the now apparently deserted...

Star Flight1986
I may be biased, but Starflight (and its sequel, reviewed elsewhere on the site) is still my favorite game of all time, and even though it's fourteen years old, I still play it to this day. What has kept me so enamored of this title? That's what I plan to...

Star Flight 21989
Starflight II: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula (SFII), is the sequel to the fantastic Starflight. SFII still has all the exploration, combat, and dialogue that made the first game great. SFII, however, adds one huge element to the game that makes us wonder how we lived without This...

Star Trek: Generations1997
Yet another Star Trek title reaches the shelves of software stores everywhere with claims of a great adventure and the name of its outdated movie title: 'Star Trek Generations'. I'd have to say it came up a little short. While trying to outwit and stay one step ahead of Dr. Sorian,...

Action Adventure Games Get Big Games Play

Star Trek: Hidden Evil1999
Playing pure adventure games has been one of the most engaging experiences for a lot of people, gamers and non-gamers alike. The story concepts, technology, easy interface, and vastness and length are some of the elements of what we look for in these types of games. The obvious drawback to...

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace1999
In my years of playing videogames, I've discovered one universal truth: games based directly upon movies are usually horrible -- unless they're related to Star Wars. Having never played a Star Wars game I didn't like, I inserted Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace into my CD-ROM drive with...

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire1997
The Star Wars spin-off industry has grown to the size of a red giant since the movie was released 19 years ago, and the enhanced CD, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, is an indication that the tie-ins are getting a little baroque. We're talking a soundtrack for a book:...

Stay Tooned!1996
Sierra's Stay Tooned! is a mix of Saturday morning cartoon slapstick and adventure. Gameplay is similar to Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time, a blend of mini-games, QuickTime video clips, and traditional adventure gaming. Much to your dismay, your TV remote is lost somewhere in the apartment building where you live...

TechnoMage: Return of Eternity2000
Once upon a time, in the far mythical land of Gothos, lived a happy and hard-working nation, which was suddenly struck by horrible perils... The hatred and the bloody war that followed it proved both the nation's ability to build and use machines of war and its spell-casting abilities. In...

Terminator 2029, The1992
For a while, Terminator games were a hot property. Bethesda Software, before they became better-known for their Elder Scrolls/Morrowind games, had acquired what must have been very generous rights for developing a whole bevy of Terminator-licensed games. I count at least four offhand, and this DOS shooter marks the first. Terminator...

Thomas Was Alone2012

Action adventure Games:

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