Motion Controllerseffective Curriculum Ideas

The authors of the BJC curriculum think that computer programming is one of the most satisfying of all human activities—it's generally fun (when it's not frustrating because of a bug you can't find), but it's what Seymour Papert called 'hard fun,' mind-stretching and, because the authority is the computer rather than the teacher, a big change from jumping through hoops. It's a game of skill, like chess, but without the competitive aspect, and with useful results beyond the act of programming itself. That's the best reason to study computer science, and we want all kids, not just the ones who fit the nerd stereotype, to experience our joy in programming.

Newton's Laws of Motion are difficult concepts to learn (AND teach!). Even as an adult putting together lessons for teaching these laws of motion, I had to keep going back to the definitions to make sure I had it right. I knew that if I was feeling that way, my students were most definitely feeling confused as well. I knew that I needed to give. Physical Education Lesson Plans and Activity Ideas. You will find thousands of physical education lesson plans and ideas submitted by hundreds of Physical Education professionals! View our lesson plan and idea criteria and copyright statement before sharing a lesson plan or idea with us. Get teaching with these force and motion experiments, activities and videos to use in the elementary classroom. This collection of force and motion activities and resources should help you cover the topics like texture, gravity, incline and simple machines. If you’re looking for helpful ideas and lesson plans – then this is the place to start!

We also think that computer programs (not just the pictures that programs can produce) can be things of beauty. Yes, programs can also be ugly, if they're long sequences of assignment statements with no structure. But good programmers develop a sense of programming aesthetics. This is one reason why it's so important to us to include recursion in the curriculum: A recursive program can generate a complex, intricate computing process from a very small piece of code, and we remember that revelation as the moment when we discovered the beauty of programs.

PlayMotion Music for Families is a multimedia app for parents of young children who aspire to use interactive music and movement songs, stories and rhythm games to enhance the development of their children and to keep them active, engaged and thriving.

It's not easy to preserve beauty and joy when translating a course taught by its authors into a curriculum for widespread use. Too much scaffolding in a project and the joy is gone; too little scaffolding and the student feels helpless and incompetent. That's why the original authors from the University of California, Berkeley, formed a partnership with the high school curriculum experts at EDC (Education Development Center). Try the curriculum to see how you think we did.

Motion graphics are awesome and highly versatile storytelling tools, which makes them a great addition to your brand’s content marketing mix if you’re looking to tell an interesting story in a succinct format, engage people on social media, or explain your product.

Why Motion Graphics Are Great For Brands

Online video has been on the rise now that mobile is pervasive and social platforms are more video-friendly. And while there are many types of content that can engage people, motion graphic videos are particularly suited to help brands tell their stories.

  • They’re emotionally captivating. With VO, music, beautiful animations, and powerful narratives, they can make you laugh, cry, and learn.
  • They make content easier to comprehend. Motion graphics are a fantastic tool to explain processes, products, or dense subjects—in a short amount of time. (Here are some great examples of explainer videos if you want to see them at work.)
  • They don’t require much from the viewer. People can sit back and watch, without having to spend much energy.
  • They’re easy to repurpose. You can cut one motion graphic into several 30-second promotional vids, update VO, or turn your existing motion graphics into static infographics.

For brands looking to make a connection with their viewers, motion is a no-brainer. But not all motion graphics are created equal. Truly great motion graphic examples make the most of every tool to tell a captivating story that engages people on all levels.

The Best Motion Graphic Examples

If you’re just starting to explore motion graphics or looking for a little inspiration, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we’ve rounded up 100 great motion graphic examples to show you how diverse, creative, and entertaining the medium can be.

This collection (listed, not ranked) shows a variety of styles, stories, and subjects, both branded and editorial, from all sorts of industries. Whether you work in tech or nonprofit, there’s a little something for everyone, plus a few tips to help you get started making your own.

100 Great Motion Graphic Examples (1-25)

We hope you find this roundup helpful—and we hope you’ll let us know if you’ve seen any motion graphic examples we should add. Enjoy!

1) Anatomy of a Computer Virus by Patrick Clair

This animation was created for Australian TV program HungryBeast and provides a breakdown of the world’s first weapon constructed entirely out of code: Stuxnet.

2) Luibelle by Toondra Animation Studios

Great motion graphic examples of branded content make us very happy. Luibelle used motion in this great explainer video.

3) Bananas by Xander Marritt and Elias Freiberger

Some of these motion graphic examples get a little weird, which we like. In this, bananas are used to symbolize life and the subconscious and conscious in this strange and quirky motion graphic.

4) 29 Ways to Stay Creative by TO-FU

The inspiring minds at TO-FU give tips to stay creatively productive with this animation, which is sure to help anyone in need of a little advice.

5) Journey Alpha by Weltenwandler Design

This beautiful motion graphic has the look of a video game, creating a feeling of submersion, but it is completely non-interactive.

6) Haïkus in Motion by Sébastien Girard

This animation series brings poetry to life with expressive imagery.

7) The ABC’s of Architecture by Andrea Stinga and Federico Gonzalez

This delightful animated rendition shows buildings associated with the world’s best architects.

8) Skype for Business by Column Five

Learn about the value of Skype and how this tool can increase efficiency for your business in a cost-effective way.

9) Game of Thrones: An Animated Journey by BlackMeal

Relive the highlights of HBO’s Game of Thrones with this beautiful animated rendition of the popular show.

10) Bitcoin Explained by Duncan Elms

Curious about Bitcoin? This motion graphic breaks down the important information about the electronic currency in three minutes.

11) I <3 Camping by Monologue and George Zestanakis

Animations are a perfect way to introduce consumers to products and services, such as mobile apps like the one featured in this eye-catching video.

12) Cinematics by Pier Paolo

This adorable animation illustrates the timeline of classic films and characters, bringing historic cinematic characters to life in a whole new way.

13) How to Bloody Mary by Matteo Inchingolo

Great motion graphic examples use the medium to teach something quickly. This one shows viewers how to make a classic brunch beverage.

14) How to Feed the World by Denis Van Waerebeke

Captivating animations are a perfect way to educate young adults and children about important issues, such as world hunger.

15) Coffee in 200 Frames by Dum!Dum!

No matter the length, animations can still bring to life everyday tasks in a stimulating manner, such as this short, which illustrates the steps for brewing a cup of coffee.

16) Be Sexy, Be Smart by PlusOne

This motion graphic, made for Soa Aids Nederland, delivers a powerful message in an accessible manner through colorful and engaging imagery.


17) A Dash of That by J-Scott

Animations are a perfect way to promote blogs and other social media outlets. This cute and colorfully designed animation promoting the Tumblr account A Dash of That is an excellent example of that use.

18) The Pursuit for Educational Equity by Column Five

This perfectly addresses the gap in educational equality and provides useful information on how to close the access gap, making it one of those motion graphic examples that blends great design with educational content.

19) Subprime by Beeple

Many of these motion graphic examples help people understand difficult concepts, much like this video, which illustrates the housing market crash in the U.S.

Motion Controllerseffective Curriculum Ideas

20) Chemistry and Energy Efficient Buildings by Diemo Barz

This animation, created to illustrate the results made by BASF, is a comprehensive and accessible way of conveying the information to its audience (conference attendees).

21) Inspiration by Rafa Galeano

A colorful animation is a great way to tell a story or illustrate a conceptual thought.

22) The World is Obsessed with Facebook by Alex Trimple

Great motion graphic examples bring information to life in a more exciting, as this piece does.

23) Social Media and You by Binalogue

This was made for The British Council to help them launch their brand new social media strategy pack.

24) Stanley Kubrick by Hyejin June Hong

Motion Controllerseffective Curriculum Ideas Activities

Motion graphics are a great way to illustrate the history of a product or person, like this animation about filmographer Stanley Kubrick.

STANLEY KUBRICK A FILMOGRAPHY from Deadly Puppies on Vimeo.


25) A History of the Title Sequence by From Form

This animation provides beautiful imagery illustrating the history of another art form: title sequencing.

Motion Controllerseffective Curriculum Ideas Preschool

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