On Brand Headshots: How To Guide Your Photographer Or Diy

When we talk about professional headshots, it often involves a studio and using at least one light. But if you’re on a budget or out of the studio, you can still get professional-looking headshots without using any artificial lighting. In this video from Adorama, David Bergman will show you how. David suggests shooting headshots. The best headshot poses come from the client walking toward the camera. Its a great tip on how to pose for a headshot. Having your client sit can offer a connection to the surroundings. It will also make her feel more comfortable in front of the camera. Use Your Surroundings to Avoid Awkward Portraits. For maximum clarity, you need to keep your phone as still as possible. Use both hands and tuck your elbows into your sides to prevent your phone from wobbling up and down. Better still, steady your phone on top of a table or other sturdy surface. Frame your photo generously. This is especially important if you have multiple headshots on the same page. Angle your body at 45 degrees with one shoulder back. Tilt your chin slightly down, smile and look up at the camera. For your arm placement place your palms on your thighs, elbows out so they’re lifted just off the body. We’re not going for a tea-pot shape here, but a relaxed, natural pose that flatters the line of the body from shoulder to waist.

by Jenna Arak
Headshots aren't just for members of the C-suite anymore. Showcase your professionalism, both inside and out, with a winning professional photo.
The saying “Never judge a book by its cover”, while charming, isn’t entirely plausible in the real world. The reality is that we are all judged, or perceived, by the way we look. And, particularly when it comes to professional situations—job interviews, making connections, networking—we have a short amount of time to make a good first impression.
That’s why it’s incredibly important to always appear professional, both in-person and online. And while most career-driven women understand the importance of business professional attire in-person, far too many fail to exude that same professionalism online—the very first place (or next place) most professional contacts will see you!
Instead of using a selfie-stick to take your next LinkedIn photo, consider a professional headshot instead.
Photo: Joe Kathrina

1. You’ll Look the Part

If you want to be treated like a professional, you must look like a professional. Period.
Making a (small) financial investment in a professional photo shows that you take yourself and your career seriously. And there are few things more appealing to a professional contact than that.
As important as a professional headshot is to landing a job, many adults still rely on the poor quality cell phone photos they ask their friends to take. You’ll make recruiters, potential employers, and important contacts take a closer look if you’re sharing a photo that’s high-res and visually pleasing.
By including a memorable professional photo on your social media accounts, you allow people to put a face to a name, meaning you are more likely to stay top-of-mind to the important people who look you up, whether before or after you meet.

On Brand Headshots: How To Guide Your Photographer Or Diy Cardboard

Pun intended. In this fast-paced, digital world, contacts are often too busy to read more than a few lines of your resume. A good headshot is your best chance to make an instant (and positive) first impression. Don’t waste it.

How to Get a Professional Headshot

There are professional headshot services in most cities. Here are just a few in some major cities:

On Brand Headshots: How To Guide Your Photographer Or Diy Don

  • Los Angeles: The Headshot Truck
  • San Francisco: San Francisco Headshots
  • New York: New York Headshots
  • Chicago: Joshua Albanese
  • Boston: Boston Creative Headshots
  • Dallas: The Hundred Dollar Headshot
  • Washington D.C.: District Headshot
  • Seattle: Seattle Headshots
  • Portland: Afotography
No time to schedule a shoot or no budget? No problem. There's an easy way to take your own professional headshot. All you need is a friend who's down to spend an hour or two.