- Productshighlander: The Card Games
- Productshighlander: The Card Game Games
- Productshighlander: The Card Game Cards

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Description: Highlander Expansion Autograph Card Contents: Authentic Expansion Set Autograph card IA4 featuring Elizabeth Gracen as Amanda Bio. Manufacturer: Rittenhouse Archives, 2007. Highlander (PC) overview and full product specs on CNET. Watch Wonder Woman 1984 right now on HBO Max - and don't skip the end credits. Tezos Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users, experts, and developers of the Tezos blockchain project. It only takes a minute to sign up. HIGHLANDER: THE CARD GAME: SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: The Raven Set. Michael Moore/Quentin Barnes vs. Brother Paul vs. Walter Graham vs.
He is Duncan MacLeod, the Highlander. Born in 1592 in the Highlands of Scotland, and he is still alive. He is Immortal. For 400 years, he's been a WARRIOR, a LOVER, a WANDERER, constantly facing other Immortals in combat to the death. The winner takes his enemy's head: and with it, his power. I am a Watcher, part of a secret society of men and women who observe and record, but never interfere. We know the truth about Immortals. In the end, there can be only one. May it be Duncan MacLeod, the Highlander.
For six seasons Highlander fans across the globe were given the chance to witness the triumphs, the sorrow, the loves and the losses of Duncan MacLeod, the Highlander. Now Rittenhouse Archives captures the excitement in a huge 126 card set covering all six seasons, 119 episodes in all, in The Complete Highlander: The Series Trading Cards.
Each episode will be covered on one card with a single photo on the front with additional images and episode synopsis on the back printed on extra thick 20-point stock, the new Rittenhouse standard. Fans of the show may remember Amanda, an immortal thief and the on again/off again lover of Duncan MacLeod. Amanda, played by Elizabeth Gracen, got her own show, Highlander: The Raven after the final season of Highlander and Rittenhouse will be covering all 22 episodes from this action packed, kick-ass female immortal in a special 22-card chase set inserted 1:3 packs.
Productshighlander: The Card Games
Other exciting inserts include The Lover found 1:8 packs. This set features the various women in Duncan's life through the ages. Duncan's life is always full of romance. As with every immortal, there is The Game waiting and another immortal just around the corner looking for your head. The Warrior chase set features some of Duncan's more interesting adversaries over his 400 year life and you can find these cards 1:20 packs. During Duncan's life he has traveled all over the globe and Rittenhouse has captured some of these period locations in the The Wanderer chase set (1:40 packs). This chase set will be done in the very popular film-clip technology that has been seen in some of our past sets including Star Trek: 35th Anniversary Federation Foes chase set, Complete Star Trek Voyager Gallery chase set and Xena: Season 6 Forever Gabrielle chase set.

Productshighlander: The Card Game Games

While Highlander: The Series starred Adrian Paul as Duncan MacLeod it also had a wonderful supporting cast and some fantastic guest appearances by some of today's best stars. Rittenhouse has stacked the deck with autograph card from some of these fan favorites including the stars of the show Adrian Paul as Duncan MacLeod, Elizabeth Gracen as Amanda, Jim Byrnes as Joe Dawson, Stan Kirsch as Richie Ryan, Lisa Howard as Dr. Anne Lindsey and more! Some of the guest stars include: Traci Elizabeth Lords, Anthony Head, Claudia Christian, Sandra Bernhard, Tamlyn Tomita, Michael Shanks and others. Collectors will find THREE of these sure to be sought after autograph cards in every box!
Each box of The Complete Highlander: The Series will contain 40 packs with a suggested retail price of $2.00 per pack and $80.00 per box. Each pack will contain 9 cards.
Productshighlander: The Card Game Cards

The will also be a custom designed collector's album which will retail for $39.99, and contain an exclusive 'From The Archives' costume card worn by Adrian Paul in the movie Highlander: Endgame.
The Complete Highlander: The Series Trading Cards will be available in May 2003!